Tuesday, October 9, 2012


So we went to Disneyland FINALLY!

Dave and I planned on going for our extended honeymoon in July of 2010 but, of course,  our car broke down we never went. I haven't been since middle school when I went for a day with my family and my memories were a bit hazy.  Since living and working at Disney World, I longed to compare the two resorts and determine which I loved best.

Cinderella's Castle - Disney World
Sleeping Beauty's Castle  - Disneyland

Determination: Each resort offers unique and magical experiences.  I have distinct and special memories of each and thus I could never pick one over the other!

Here are some of my views on what I LOVE about each resort:

  • Everything is super close!  We were able to literally walk back and forth from California Adventure to Disneyland in a short amount of time.  Our park hopper ticket was put to great use.  Also Downtown Disney was right there so after the parks closed we actually had time to go to Downtown Disney before it close an hour later.
  • They have Indiana Jones, Alice in Wonderland and Mr. Toad's Wild Ride!  For some reason, these are among my favorite rides!  I was disappointed when I went to Disney World and they didn't have these.  However when we went Indiana Jone was closed :(
  •  Smaller parks are more manageable with small children - you can get to everything at least once and usually twice!
Disney World:
  • 4 Parks!  Count 'em, 4!  Everything is better separated into themed areas in Disney World.  Magic Kingdom is truly classic Disney, while the other three parks branch out from there. 
  • The location is amazing.  Although Disneyland does a good job of blocking out the noise of the busy street just outside - Disney World is truly a world of its own. Driving into the park there is nothing but Disney property all around, and if you are staying in a resort you never have to leave!
  • Due to the larger space, more Disney resorts are available in all price ranges - not just the super fancy ones like Disneyland. 
  • They are able to expand!  See New Fantasyland in progress set to complete in 2014! How exciting. 
  • More rides and attractions as well as character greetings and shows!
There are so many great things about each park!  this is just beginning to spark some ideas for future posts and reviews  - perhaps I will start a blog devoted just to Disney!

I might just tackle that right now :) 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bed... Still

Once again I have waited an extreme amount of time before posting. But what is my excuse? I've had no time? I think not. I have had all the time in the world. Right now I have to finish a term paper for History of Utah and I keep putting it off. I want to tell myself that I have just been too busy but really? busy doing what? cross stitching? sleeping? sitting in the shower for hours on end? making cards? wishing I could be out and about? Nothing pressing? I don't even make dinner anymore. No my pathetic excuses don't really justify my procrastination. Although I suppose I could use the excuse that working on this stupid, lengthy, stupid, uninteresting, stupid, arduous paper raises my blood pressure and thus us not good for me - i feel that that is a little low. Even for me. I decided that had I been attending class still I might feel a greater push or desire to finish but as I have not attended class for the last 5 weeks my motivation has plummeted. I was going to work on my paper from 11-2 since I have a doctors appointment at 2:20 - however now it is 1:51 and I have managed to avoid writing a single word. Yes I answered emails for my classes - yes I spent 45 minutes on facebook - yes I had lunch with my husband and yes i brushed my teeth but other than that I don't have much to say for myself. After my appointment...then I will work on it. I will get a ton done and relieve the nagging feeling of procrastination - after my appointment.

by the way my cross stitching blanket is almost done....

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2:46 AM

Ever since this bed rest thing sleeping has been ... interesting. I have always have had trouble sleeping, but now that all that I do is sit around all day its been even worse. Between my back killing me and the list of things I should/want to be doing racing through my head. well it has been interesting. I have gotten a lot of things done. things that i feel good about. I have been blessed with the opportunity to develop new hobbies and I have enjoyed so much having the time to work on them. I love making handmade card and scrap-booking, I just started cross stitching and that has been SO fun! I think if everything goes well this week I might even be able to sit at my sewing machine :) extra happy about that!

Today was an awful day, lets be honest. I didn't get much done - just sat around and ate. I did get some papers graded. Papers I had hoped to have finished today. I only have 8 more but I wonder how long that will take. There are more due on tuesday so gotta have them done by then. I did just finished the second season of Grey's Anatomy like 2 seconds ago. well on to season 3. One thing that did make my day was a package we received. It never ceases to amazing me that a simple card or package can alter my day. Maybe thats why i so enjoy making cards and giving them out. I hope that maybe they can brighten someones day. Anyway - today i got a package from Heidi. It was awesome and perfect timing. I just finished my cross stitching project last night and in the package was 3 more projects!!!!!! and two of them were DISNEY!!!!! I am SO excited. I already started one. I just wanted to give a shout out to Heidi for being so thoughtful even though she is going through a tough time right now too. I am so thankful for something to keep me busy and happy. Sometimes I wish family lived closer....I miss my family - Hilton and Linn...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

BED REST?!?!??!

Well, here I am stuck in bed. I am trying to think of some goals and activities to do besides twiddling me thumbs....

1. Read The Book of Mormon
2. Finish my classes
3. Make some cute cards for this next year
4. Work on bibs for our baby
5. Read Harry Potter series all over again :)
6. Figure out what I am going to name my baby
7. Maybe work on baby sign language
8. Keep up with my blog and journal
9. Focus on positive things
10.Eat healthier since I won't be able to get up and move around

Any other suggestions???????????


First blog attempt since we re-designated this blog the Hilton family blog. Not much to report ... jk. So many things have happened since we got married last June. I can't believe it has been so long already. We are all situated in our cozy apartment in Wymount and already thinking of moving somewhere else :) Although the very idea of having to pack up everything and transport it to a new location is paralyzing.

We recently found our that our family will be growing by 50%. We have a baby girl on the way!!! I am thrilled about this. It is slightly terrifying as well but I can't wait to meet our little girl. She is due May 18th 2011. I have had a rather hard pregnancy thus far but it will all be worth it when we get to see our little girl's face. I am very excited to see Dave be a daddy. She will have him wrapped around her little finger so quick that I don;t think I will stand a chance.

As far as school, Dave is excelling in all of his classes right now. Literally killing it ( in a good way). His physics class which was supposed to be the class from death he is ranked somewhere around 11 out of 250. Pretty stinkin' good if you ask me :) He is also working away programing and developing websites and iPad apps for BYU Publications and Graphics. He is so smart :)

I officially was accepted to my program (finally). Which is SUPER exciting to have that all done and out of the way. This semester I was trying to take it easy so I am only taking 2 classes. This turned out to be a GREAT blessing as I have just been put on bed rest and if I continue, I will have to do so from the confines of my bed.

I can't really think of much more that I can report on at the moment but I assume now that I have some spare time I will try and post on this more often (than once every 9 months at least)